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Please click here - then scroll down- to open the post with a message from the fairy shrimp.

Please click here to view the video. It is from the 2017 installation, but the message is the same for 2023 and beyond. Some images in other...

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

"Mass" fairy shrimp production begins!


"Mass production" is underway, especially now that the weather has shifted into at least of week of rainy days.

Fairy shrimp are now created by batch processing (cutting, sewing, rodding...) instead of individually.

1. Cutting:

2. "Eyelash" filling:

3. Sewing (While Mom looks on and wonders how I keep from sewing my fingers together)

4. Gluing on the googly eyes!

5. Cutting the individual phyllopods.

6. Assembling the light and spin mechanisms.

7. And now we have a pile of fairy shrimp that won't fit in the van!

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