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Please click here - then scroll down- to open the post with a message from the fairy shrimp.

Please click here to view the video. It is from the 2017 installation, but the message is the same for 2023 and beyond. Some images in other...

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The newly hatched brood at Black Rock City 2023


We (Priscilla and Lola, my former art student) took the fairy shrimp to Black Rock City and they danced to their hearts' content.

Yes, it rained, but we and most others were well prepared and fine and dandy, only impacted by beginning our journey home two days later than planned. 
And, the Man and Temple aged two days more than usual before being released.
We didn't see any live Triops or drowned celebrities, comedians, djs, or 1%ers. We did see some mired vehicles whose owners chose to ignore the recommendations to simply wait for the playa to dry. 
I did not photograph that much because you can find everything Burning Man all over the internet nowadays. 
One of my favorite works is "Tip of the Iceberg" but there were many, many great works!

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