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Please click here - then scroll down- to open the post with a message from the fairy shrimp.

Please click here to view the video. It is from the 2017 installation, but the message is the same for 2023 and beyond. Some images in other...

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Fairy Shrimpy Camp at Black Rock City 2024

 Fairy Shrimpy Camp made it to the City!

To see some images and videos of the wonderful week please click the photos below:

The fairy shrimp makers:

The fairy shrimp they made!
(After the fairy shrimp were decorated they were folded and riveted and strung up to fly)

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Fairy Shrimpy Camp - Coming to Burning Man 2024!

"Fairy Shrimpy Camp" exists as an effort to expand the habitat of the playa fairy shrimp that have "lived" during the two installations of the artwork, "Of a Temporary Nature."

Come to “Fairy Shrimpy Camp” in Black Rock City - Monday through Thursday afternoons (1-4pm) to personalize a fairy shrimp of your own and maybe learn something new about these critters and their friends!.

We are going to create baby fairy shrimp out of the larger sculptures and give them to folks (to decorate with ink) and put on their bikes, hats, ears - wherever they can "swim" in the air.

Although I camped with the Lamplighters in previous years, we camped as "Shrimpy Camp" in 2023, an art support camp for "Of a Temporary Nature, 2.0". We decided to create a small theme camp to return to the playa once again to allow the fairy shrimp to "release their offspring".

This is what Shrimpy Camp looked like in 2023, and we anticipate Fairy Shrimpy Camp to look fancier!

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The newly hatched brood at Black Rock City 2023


We (Priscilla and Lola, my former art student) took the fairy shrimp to Black Rock City and they danced to their hearts' content.

Yes, it rained, but we and most others were well prepared and fine and dandy, only impacted by beginning our journey home two days later than planned. 
And, the Man and Temple aged two days more than usual before being released.
We didn't see any live Triops or drowned celebrities, comedians, djs, or 1%ers. We did see some mired vehicles whose owners chose to ignore the recommendations to simply wait for the playa to dry. 
I did not photograph that much because you can find everything Burning Man all over the internet nowadays. 
One of my favorite works is "Tip of the Iceberg" but there were many, many great works!

Friday, August 18, 2023

Time to go.

On my calendar I have made a note that this is "Hell time", based on an annual circumstance of stressful events that seem to happen about this time of year. Although I'm referring to personal things it seems Hell has expanded to a global significance this year. Fires, hurricanes, wars, floods, excessive heat... But honestly it's not just this time of year. Hell is happening all the time somewhere.

But life is happening too.

Today we celebrated my mom's birthday even though it's not until Sunday. She thought it was yesterday. She's been bedridden for about two months and I'm leaving in the morning for three weeks and taking a piece to Burning Man. 

I guess it takes a lot of hedonistic and egotistical sludge to try to justify such an action. But I don't try to justify it. I can't. I just know I have to do it.

The piece is about celebrating our temporary existence, in spite of all the brutal and harsh and unlivable environments we are subjected to.

I know that celebration may be manifest by the simple act of caring for my Mom or planting a seed in the soil instead of planting giant fairy shrimp on the barren Playa, but I am driven to do it.

And tomorrow we drive to it.

Love you Mom. See you when I return. 

Hang in there.


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

"Mass" fairy shrimp production begins!


"Mass production" is underway, especially now that the weather has shifted into at least of week of rainy days.

Fairy shrimp are now created by batch processing (cutting, sewing, rodding...) instead of individually.

1. Cutting:

2. "Eyelash" filling:

3. Sewing (While Mom looks on and wonders how I keep from sewing my fingers together)

4. Gluing on the googly eyes!

5. Cutting the individual phyllopods.

6. Assembling the light and spin mechanisms.

7. And now we have a pile of fairy shrimp that won't fit in the van!

Fairy Shrimp on Parade!

 Some surviving members of the 2017 brood danced in the 2023 "Bell Buckle RC Moonpie Parade".

Since the community event was celebrating somewhat esoteric commodities (RC Colas and Moon Pies) there was not an emphasis on Burning Man, just FUN and Fairy Shrimp!

Monday, June 12, 2023

The 2.0 prototype


The design modifications are incorporated into the prototype for the 2.0 version.

There is some sacrifice of biologically oriented detail to reduce the amount of material waste and add a little personality to them.

The 2017 batch was concerned about the directions we humans were choosing to take, 
but these younger critters just want to have fun!

This one danced into a line of severe thunderstorms (and survived!)
and now gets to relax in a gentle breeze:

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Field Testing

 A strong thunderstorm answers the question of whether or not this new design will more likely than not be able to withstand a week or so of playa weather.